Friday, October 01, 2004

Well i dont know wats wrong ?
I spent two hours in deptt. just to make the controller circuit working but in vein.perhaps i will hav to burn the programme again..........trouble

Mr. anwar thinks that he is the principal of college...huh."You can not use the office pc." says anwar.

"There is no software for burning ic, in my computer ........i hav reinstalled the window." amjad sahib told me with happiness!

Then where should i go? wat should i do? sometimes i think that i am stuck in a big mess, no way to get out of it ....................No way to solve the problem.

it is just like that: Your plane is going to crash in a couple of minutes, and everybody else in plane is happy, listening music, chewing his fav gum and asking u to check if u hav fasten the seat belt !???????????????

Isn't that really fuuny???????????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »