Friday, August 19, 2005

Why cats mourn?

September is about to start and a slight change in the weather, a couple of hours before morning reminds that ‘winter’ is not far away. It’s a sad weather. Don’t know why things look that gloomy in this season. Sunlight changes its color, loses warmth and its brightness disappears. Trees stand still without leaves. Every thing looks very silent and somber. At 11 ‘o’ clock in the morning, color of the light tells that sun is about to set. How deceptive this weather is! Nights are silent and obviously too cold. I feel congested and pray for the days to stretch and nights to become normal once again. Cups of tea one after another…and by the end of the day there is a row of tea cups beside me. Closed windows and doors, heavy quilts and heaters make me feel bad. Every thing is packed. Life becomes slow and time hangs heavy when I wake up 3 or 4 times in the night. Take some water to soak my badly soaring throat, have a look at the time-piece with my eyes half closed, and try to sleep again. Sometimes I succeed in it and sometimes face insomnia. And then from somewhere a crying mad cat makes the atmosphere more ferocious. I don’t know why cats mourn in sad and foggy winter nights. They quarrel with each other and then mourn together while staring at invisible things in front of them. There must be some evil spirits. Why this happens usually in full-moon nights and why moon hides itself behind the thick dark clouds afterwards? Nights become darker and darker and then there are thunder storms. Behind the electricity-flashes in the sky, I can notice the presence of ugly witches, with long noses and shabby brown hair. They laugh madly as if they are about to destroy everything with their stick. Perhaps this is the reason why cats mourn. But as soon as the clouds move away to shower somewhere else, these witches disappear too. Then there is peace. But this whole act is repeated on every full-moon night in winter to remind you it’s a season of sadness, darkness and loneliness!!