Saturday, December 25, 2004

Orbitting Around

So, today evening i was a body above 40,000 kms fro0m earths surface that revolves in a retrograde orbit. There was silence/coldness/lonliness. Sometimes i used to revolve around this earth and sometimes the earth itself around me. Sun and moon both were in motion around me too. Turn by turn revolving around each other. I had a big tail . A tail of snow . Crystal clear and blue-ish in color. This tail grew at it's max pace and after reaching it's max length it used to shrink/disappear instantly as if there was an energetic flame following it, wanted to finish/destroy it. So i don't know how i reached there and what made me revolving around so high.
why i had a tail ? the tail that used to grow and vanish.....?

Random Thought: Floppy is the most unreliable data carrier.
Random Wish: A refreshing cup of tea. THat i will probably hav after 10 mins (IA).

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